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Allen Matsumoto
Partner, Senior Consultant
  Peter Frazier
Partner, Senior Consultant
  Rahul Joshi
Associate Senior Consultant
Allen Matsumoto
Senior Consultant

Allen Matsumoto is the founder of UI Architects. In roles as user experience strategist, UI and information architect, creative director, and business analyst, Allen has worked in interactive design for nearly twenty years. His previous company, Digital Ink, designed and produced web and disk-based materials for Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and others.

Always a believer that design is first about communication, he brings to all his work a philosophy in which effective end user experience is the ultimate compass and measure of success.

After a dozen years as a print designer and design manager, Allen formed Digital Ink in 1993 to focus on the increasing amount of interactive design his firm was handling. At Digital Ink he led teams in the design and production of interactive learning materials using a variety of rich media authoring environments including HTML/DHTML, Macromedia Flash and Director, as well as proprietary authoring and publishing systems. His designs for instructional materials won numerous awards.

Allen has also authored many user manuals and articles on digital design and publishing.

In 2000, he folded the capabilities of Digital Ink into Chase Bobko, Inc., adding creative services to their services portfolio as Creative Director. In 2002, he served as Presentation Tier Architect on the Enterprise Architecture team at T-Mobile USA.

Since then, he has been a principal in UI Architects, focusing on customer and user experience research and strategy, as well as UX architecture and design. More recently, Allen and Peter Frazier provided high-level UX strategy for an upcoming mobile platform under development at Kiha, Inc.

